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    Latest news more...
    Creating the future together
    Promoting development – 55 years of ICSTI
    ICSTI took part in the celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Events more...
    14th International Congress on Higher Education “Universidad 2024”
    Сonference ICSTI more...
    International scientific conference "Science and Technology: Data Sources and Analytical Approaches for Development", 29-30 May 2024
    Information and innovations – 2024, Vol. 19, No. 1
     The new issue of the international peer-reviewed scientifc journal “Information and Innovations-2024 № 4” was published...
    Information and Innovations-2023 № 4
     The new issue of the international peer-reviewed scientifc journal “Information and Innovations-2023 № 4” was published...
    Ecological portal ICSTI
    news countries
    Vietnam: Forum seeks ways for Vietnamese firms to accelerate application of new technologies
    Archive of products